Troxel Continues to Choose Innovation and Reliability from Thermatool - Thermatool Corp.

Troxel Continues to Choose Innovation and Reliability from Thermatool

The Troxel Company has been producing HF welded specialty tubing for more than 50 years. Thriving in challenging market conditions, Troxel relies on Thermatool’s proven performance. Thermatool, the world leader in Solid State High Frequency Induction Welding, has been supporting Troxel since the start. Troxel has multiple Thermatool Solid State HF Welders on their tube mills, the first being installed in 1995 and the most recent being this year. Every one of those welders is still delivering reliable and superior performance, and Thermatool supports each model with spare parts and expert technical service for the life of the machine.

Troxel’s latest upgrade is a new Thermatool CFI (Current-Fed Inverter) 200 kW Solid State HF Welder. It uses Thermatool’s patented AutoMatch™ Power and Frequency matching and stabilization features, which ensure production performance and efficiency. Craig Bowen, Technical Service Manager at Troxel, reports that upgrading to Thermatool Solid State HF Welders from vacuum tube designs has been a big benefit to his shop. “We get better uptime, and the CFIs are more energy efficient,” said Craig. Troxel likes that production has also improved. “Our welding process is all-around better with the CFI Solid State HF Welders,” said Craig. The Thermatool AutoMatch™ feature is a particular favorite on the shop floor. It ensures full power output over a wide range of product sizes, which helps reduce scrap and increase yield. In addition, the Thermatool current-fed HF welder enables Troxel to ensure the first tube is prime all the way through to the end of the production run.

“Our operators prefer Thermatool CFI Solid State HF Welders over the old vacuum tube welders,” said Craig, “and they’re easier to set up.” Thermatool customer service helps make sure that Troxel gets the most out of its multiple generations of machines. “Thermatool’s technology has made our transition to solid state equipment extremely smooth,” said Craig. “All of our solid state welders, regardless of the age, are fully supportable with spare parts and even our welders older than 20 years are fully serviceable – nothing is obsolete.”

Troxel relies on Thermatool for more than just the latest technical innovations. They count on Thermatool to help minimize downtime and maintain full support on parts and service. “We’ve received great support for all products from Thermatool,” said Craig. Responsive service and proven performance are why Troxel consistently chooses Thermatool, a world leader in High Frequency Solid State Induction Welding. To find out more information about how Thermatool products can improve your manufacturing needs, please contact us at 1.203.468.4100 or